सुनुवार स्वायत्त क्षेत्रसम्बन्धि वहस
चुपलु समाचारदाता
काठमाडौं, ०१ भदौ । आज संवैधानिक संवाद केन्द्र, नयाँ बानेश्वरमा सुनुवार लगायत २३ अन्य जनजातिको जातीय पहिचानको आधारमा राज्य पुनसंरचना हुनु पर्ने अन्तरक्रिया सम्पन्न भयो । सो कार्यक्रममा सुनुवार सेवा समाजको उपाध्यक्ष तथा वल्लो किरात संघीय राज्य परिषदका अध्यक्ष मनप्रसाद सुनुवारले वल्लो किरात संघीय राज्य त्यहाँको जनताको माग हो तर राज्यले जबर्जस्ती सुनकोशी राज्य बनाएको गुनासो व्यक्त गर्नु भयो । त्यस्तै गरी युवराज जिरेलले पनि वल्लो किरात राज्य हुनुपर्ने प्रति जोड दिनुभयो ।
I am sunuwar but it is usless demand by sunuwar
The word impossible never exist.There is nothing impossible everything is possible.There is nothing secret ingrident and secrecy to become special.Just you have to believe you are the special and need can do attitude and courage.This impossible word is only for HUTI HARA PEOPLE.Who can believe one small tribal leader later converted into world leader like Gengis khan,who can believe black president in america and who can believe lady prime minister in Great britain.Just you need to keep faith and believe your self that is key point to become success.We are just human even half god Hanuman himself couldn’t know and believe he could fly and destroy lanka crossing vast siri lankan ocean.Once again believe,believe,believe yourself and one day you can see wallo kirant autonomous.
kumar sunuwar sunuwar g tapaiko bhanai anusar wallo kirat ko kura garnu bhaneko assambhab chha bhannu bhayeko jasto lagyo comment ko lagi dhannebad.Ra tapai pani tyo laharma ubhine byaktima parnu bhayo jo adibashi kirat chahi suikar garne tara adhibasi hunuko artha usko sambandha bhumisang huncha bhanne kura suikar nagarne.jaha samma wallo kiratko kura chha sunuwar lagayat anne kiratharuko pani pahichan, bhumi,itihas,saskritik,bhasa,nirantar saghan bashobas ra ILO convesntion 169 ko adharma uthaiyeko bisayaho.ra mahatto purna kura k ho bhane aja wallo kirat ko bisay lai uthan garekai karan sun kosi prades prastab garnu baddhya bhayeko chha sarkar,sathai sunuwar,surel,jirel,thami,yahulai swayatta chhetra dine sammako kura chhalphalma lyauna badyha bhayekachhan.jaha samma sunuwarlematra magekobhaye sambhav hunthyo bhannu bhayeko chha tyo bare bhannuparda sunuwarharle 2063 salmai abadharana nirman gari ghosana garekai honi
tara kun sunuwarle himmat gareta prasna yahanirhojasto lagchha.ra antyama sabai sunuwarle asambhab bhandai basne ho bhane kehi pani sambhab chhaina tara sambhab chha bhanera lagyo bhane sabai sambhab chha.udharan wallo kirat afai ho.
i don’t think so. You waste your improtant time behind politics.
Mr. Chandra Prk Sunuwar. I am not huti hara.I am not claim myself well,good and educate man. I can read and write nepali. I am zero in english.Infornt of you i am stupid. What you are mentioned exmple on your comment same thing,i used such veiw and i want do so but i could not do so.Actuly when i was actively involved in student political life i think that i demand sunuwar state for part of Solu district,Ramechhap and dolakha district.Mostly sunuwar bandu oppose my idea because I was in NCPUML.I try again became teacher.I want share my veiw in socity but sunuwar are regroup against me in my villiage. We have good co ordination with Kamal Praksh sunuwar,Chandra kumar sunuwar,Dev shankhar paudel,Kailash Dungel, Angchhiring Lama (Former Minister), Angbabu Sherpa more and more.Mr Sunuwar go ahead and achive your goal. I will see when and which day you will success to declare sunuwar autonomous state.If we meet with you face to face i will share my view with you and all sunuwar but i remember what happen in my life.
Kumar kancha [where do you work as dish washer],
Your mentality reflect you are nothing more then puppet or slave of aryan people of nepal.How you dare to mention name of chetri and bahun in your comment like shankar paudel.These so-called aryan are poison of indigenious society of nepal.Once upon time they were refuge in nepal their anciestor came from india via Middle east .They looted our land and freedom now you are looking for solution from SHANKAR PAUDEL AND KAILASH DHUNGEL.I never seen like you guy which is so much confused and tried to make confuse for other.You said you are not huti hara then what you are?which yourself mentioned that you are fed up with politics.whatever the party and philosophy you adopt but till bramhin and chetri remain in power of nepal.Motherland nepal will never change her face this is my fundamental belive.Keep go on and do politics and be puppet of bahun and chetri and i promise and gurantee you will never find way for thousand of years.You will die with becoming hopeless.Don’t mentioned name of this silly man kamal prakash sunuwar it makes me sick in my liver when i hear his name.It’s us who make him sansad of ramechap what he done??Bharaute of bahun think you and him is two different picture of same coin in two different part.If you think sunuwar can’t achieve then be silence be dump we believe we can achieve we follow.Who ask you to follow and comment?Just mind your bussiness.
I am sgree with Cp sunuwar Kumar G.