कोइँच लोःमि बाइबाल ; केही खुशी, केही विचार बहस
सुनुवार डट ओआरजि समाचारदाता । १० फागुन, यालाखोम । बल्खु एमाले केन्द्रीय कार्यालय परको गैरा । रिङरोडभित्र लगभग दर्ुइ सय मिटरमा सानो खोल्सा तरेपछि ठूलो कम्पाउण्डमा जस्ताको भव्य सालोन चर्च । देशी-विदेशी पाहुनाहरु वीच कोइँच भेषभूषामा सजिएको कोइँच युवायुवती, बालबालिका र वृद्धाहरु । आत्यधुनिक बाजागाजामा सेमी कोइँच भाषामा कोइँच लोःमा अनुदित बाइबलका भजनहरुको गुञ्जन । अनुशासित तौरले साना साना बालबालिका समेत भर्ुइमा पलेटी कसेर बसेका । लाग्थ्यो, कुनै तालिम प्राप्त सैन्यको टुकडीले कुनै शुभोत्सवको एक्काइस तोपको सलामी दिनाको लागि अफिसरको आदेश पर्खिरहेका छन् । मञ्चमा लहरै कोइँच भेषभूषामा सुनुवार युवायुवति तथा प्रौढहरु भावविहृवल भएर प्रभु परमेश्वरको भजन गाइरहेका थिए । पलेटी कसेर लहरै बसेका जो जो प्रशिक्षित थिए, साथ दिइरहेका थिए- हल्लेयुया परमप्रभुपरमेश्वर हल्लेयुया । दिनेश सुनुवार र गंगा सुनुवारको नेतृत्वमा गाइएको पर््रार्थना भजन पछाडि मन रुपाचाले कार्यक्रम सञ्चालनको जिम्मा सम्हाल्दै पर््रार्थना, प्रवचन, बाइबल विमोचन र विशेष अतिथिहरुको वचन क्रमशः अगाडि बढाइएको थियो । पर््रार्थना कार्यक्रममा रेभ. पास्टर नविनकुमार सुनुवारले बाइबलमा उल्लेखित येशुका विभिन्न वचनहरुलाई उद्धृत गर्दै यावे र याब्ले एउटै भएको तर्क राख्नु भयो । उहाँले आफ्नो एम ए को थेसिसमा सो कुरालाई खोजविन गरी प्रकाशनमा ल्याएको र अबका दिनमा पनि यावे कसरी याब्ले भयो – पुस्तक लेख्ने वचन दिनु भयो । अन्तमा कोइँचहरुले मृत्यु संस्कारमा मुक्दुममा केर लाँ मालाचा बुइशशि लाँ लाचा भनेको हुँदा उक्त वचनको पालन गर्दै क्रिस्चियन कोइँचहरु अगाडि बढेको जानकारी गराउनु भयो । प्रभु येशुको वचन भएको बाइबललाई विश्वव्यापीरुपमा प्रचारप्रसार गर्न विश्वको सबै भाषामा बाइबल अनुवाद गर्ने हेतुले स्थापित समर ल्याङेगुइज इन्सिच्युडबाट कोइँच भाषामा बाइबल अनुवाद गर्न आएकी डोरी बेयरी र मार्लिन सुल्ज मध्ये मार्लिन सुल्जले यावे आ लोः नाम दिइएको बाइबल कसरी अनुदित भयो भन्ने कथा सुनाउनु भयो । उहाँले त्रिभुवान विश्वविद्यालय पुगेर कोइँच भाषा सिकाउने मानिसको खोजी गर्दा नेपाल प्रहरीको तत्कालिन प्रहरी महानिरीक्षक रोमबहादुर थापा समक्ष पुगेपछि हरिबहादुर किरातलाई भाषा सिकाउने जिम्मा दिएको बताउँदै उनै हरिबहादुरले उनका बुबा देवीबहादुर सुनुवारलाई भेट गराएपछि सुनुवार गाउँ साब्ला घुमेर कोइँच भाषामा बाइबाल अनुवाद गरेको संस्मरण सुनाउनु भयो । सो अवसरमा सुनुवार वाइवल सोसाइटीले फुलमाला, दोसल्ला ओडाएर कलात्मक काठको प|mेममा ताम्रपत्र प्रदान गरेर सम्मान पनि गर्यो । बयोवृद्ध मानबहादुर रुपाचाले भर्खर प्रकाशित कोइँच भाषामा अनुदित बाइबल विमोचन गर्दै पर््रार्थना गर्नु भयो भने कार्यक्रमका विशेष अतिथि सभासद दालकुमारी सुनुवारले डोरा-मार्लिनलाई भेटेको रमाइलो अनुभूति पस्किँदै इर्साई कोइँचहरुले पनि ऐतिहासिक वल्लो किरातको वारेमा आवाज उराल्नु पर्ने धारणा राख्नु भयो । अर्का अतिथिवक्ता लोकप्रिय सुनुवारले बाइबलमा उल्लेखित प्रभु येशुको वचन र मुक्दुमको वचनमा खासै अन्तर नभएको यावे भन्नु र याब्ले भन्नु एकै भएको, इँगी भन्नु र जिसस क्राइष्ट भन्नु एउटै जस्तो हो भन्नु भयो । सुनुवार सेवा समाजका अध्यक्ष मनप्रसाद सुनुवारले सुनुवार सेवा समाजले कहिल्यै पनि धर्म र राजनीतिका रुपमा सुनुवारहरुलाई वहिष्करण नगरेको बताउँदै राजनीतिक विचारधारा, धार्मिक आस्था जसको जे जस्तो भए पनि रगत सबैको कोइँच भएको हुँदा कोइँच पहिचानको सर्न्दर्भहरु भाषा, धर्म, कला संस्कृति बचाउन सबै कोइँच एक ढिका हुनुपर्ने जोड दिनु भयो । कार्यक्रमको अन्तिम वक्ता डा. लाल रापचाले कोइँच लोः मै निमन्त्रण पत्र प्राप्त भएको हुँदा यस बाइबल विमोचन समारोहमा सहभागी हुन आएको जानकारी गराउँदै कोइँच लोः लेखनमो तीन धार देखापरेको बताउनु भयो । साथै मन रुपाचाले लिखित कोइँच लोः कसरी पढ्ने भन्ने सर्न्दर्भमा विश्वको कुन चाहिँ लिपिमा भाषा वैज्ञानिकहरुले आधा क लाई ग्लोटिक्स लेखेका छन् भाषा विषय पढ्ने र भाषामा काम गर्ने साथीहरुले बताइदिन पनि अनुरोध गर्दै मन र मुटु त धार्मिक आस्थाको लागि र्समर्पण गर्नु भयो अब मस्तिष्क पनि अझ ठूलो, अझ फराकिलो पारेर कोइँच पहिचानको लागि र्समर्पण गर्नुहोस भन्ने आग्रहका साथ आफ्नो कविता संग्राह मातातिक फुके कुमसोपिकि बाट फुङवोइससिङा फुङ शिर्षको कविता प्रस्तुत गर्नु भएको थियो । कोइँच वस्तीमा नाचिने गाइने विभिन्न लोकगीतहरुको लयमा अनुदित बाइबल भजनको नृत्यहरु कार्यक्रमको वीच वीचमा प्रस्तुत गरिएको बाइबाल विमोचन कार्यक्रमो अन्तमा आदिवासी कोइँचको विहेमा गाइने रत्यौली भाकामा गाइएको भक्ति भजनमा कोइँच महिलाहरुले नृत्य प्रस्तुत गर्दै कार्यक्रम समापन गरिएको थियो । सो कार्यक्रममा पाहुनाहरुका लागि भोज व्यवस्था पनि गरिएको थियो ।
message to all kirantis,
I really have serious message to all kirantis and specially to article writers and all those respected members of the sunuwar welfare society including (mana prasad) head of sunuwar society because this is only a kind of hugging, dancing and making friends with the evil (chriestian) who can cut and destroy us from our root.This event can be only encourging moment for evil chriestian who tried to eliminate all the tribal culture of the world and assert them as saviour and superior human being but infact it was nothing more than lie, false philosophy and waste of time.There is say (think you are death if you don’t have your culture that means we are going to be death if we adopt this BIDESHI DHARMA of jerusalem.According to history this chriestian religion is only proved to be destroyer of the idigenious people and being evil one or tool of destruction of other country and people, for example in every country these westerners went first taking their bible in their hand without single penny and later looted their land and destroy their culture history and everything as example is Africa.At the moment most of the african country have bible in their hand but westerners have land and money and everything, exactly same thing they wanted to creat in our nepal and tried to bring unfortunate confrontation within us.I even did’t read this article apart from the title which is more than enough to make me irritation so my final message as awareness person who wanted to remove AKHAKO JALO (evil chriestianity) from our society is that this inaguration of the chriestian event in our society by responsible person will bring only destruction and give unnessary encourgement to expand their evil empire to those evils so please in heartly must need to condemen these kind of activities in near future by our responsible person who claimed themselves as saviour of sunuwar society.
message to all kirantis,
I really have serious message to all kirantis and specially to article writers and all those respected members of the sunuwar welfare society including (mana prasad) head of sunuwar society because this is only a kind of hugging, dancing and making friends with the evil (chriestian) who can cut and destroy us from our root.This event can be only encourging moment for evil chriestian who tried to eliminate all the tribal culture of the world and assert them as saviour and superior human being but infact it was nothing more than lie, false philosophy and waste of time.There is say (think you are death if you don’t have your culture that means we are going to be death if we adopt this BIDESHI DHARMA of jerusalem.According to history this chriestian religion is only proved to be destroyer of the idigenious people and being evil one or tool of destruction of other country and people, for example in every country these westerners went first taking their bible in their hand without single penny and later looted their land and destroy their culture history and everything as example is Africa.At the moment most of the african country have bible in their hand but westerners have land and money and everything, exactly same thing they wanted to creat in our nepal and tried to bring unfortunate confrontation within us.I even did’t read this article apart from the title which is more than enough to make me irritation so my final message as awareness person who wanted to remove AKHAKO JALO (evil chriestianity) from our society is that this inaguration of the chriestian event in our society by responsible person will bring only destruction and give unnessary encourgement to expand their evil empire to those evils so please in heartly must need to condemen these kind of activities in near future by our responsible person who claimed themselves as saviour of sunuwar society.
How you sunuwar people are dare to become christain??? You people are destroy our traditional and culture. We are sunuwar we have to follow our traditional and culture. I am not saying that we have to be Hindu.We have many wrong concept in our society. We have to improve and correct that wrong path.We have not follow westren culture and we have not to copy of their activities.
How you sunuwar people are dare to become christain??? You people are destroy our traditional and culture. We are sunuwar we have to follow our traditional and culture. I am not saying that we have to be Hindu.We have many wrong concept in our society. We have to improve and correct that wrong path.We have not follow westren culture and we have not to copy of their activities.
मन पर्साद र अरु पदाधिकारीहरु गएछन अब पास्चर नबिन सुनुवार किराँती हरुको कार्य क्रममा
आउदो रहेचाकी नाउदो रहेछ, अनि च्रिएस्तिअन् सुनुवार हरु चण्डी नाच्दो रहेच्चंकी नानाच्दो रहेछन, च्रिएस्तिअन् हरुले पंगु बनाएको थाहा छैन हो यार सम्मान गरेर बोलायो भनेर सर सुनुवार हरुलाई च्रिएस्तिअन् प्रति मोह जगाउनु खोजेको होकी क्याहो~ एस्तो साला हरु पनि सुनुवार सेवा समाज को थुलु बदहरु थुक्क.
मन पर्साद र अरु पदाधिकारीहरु गएछन अब पास्चर नबिन सुनुवार किराँती हरुको कार्य क्रममा
आउदो रहेचाकी नाउदो रहेछ, अनि च्रिएस्तिअन् सुनुवार हरु चण्डी नाच्दो रहेच्चंकी नानाच्दो रहेछन, च्रिएस्तिअन् हरुले पंगु बनाएको थाहा छैन हो यार सम्मान गरेर बोलायो भनेर सर सुनुवार हरुलाई च्रिएस्तिअन् प्रति मोह जगाउनु खोजेको होकी क्याहो~ एस्तो साला हरु पनि सुनुवार सेवा समाज को थुलु बदहरु थुक्क.
Devil in Paradise….Nepal
Following Christianity is abandoning our culture. Such act is nothing but a mere process of colonization, and we are being colonized just what Hindus did to Kirants. Lets not forget that our ancestors’ were Nature lovers not violent Devis’. We almost have forgotten Shyandar and we tend to celebrate Dashain. Its a matter of question that we would be celebrating Christmas and leaving Dashain! There is nothing wrong in Christianity itself but there is something wrong with Sunuwar who accept being a Christian. There is something wrong that a Christian creating environment that a Sunuwar misguided to be a Christian Sunuwar, and there never is wrong being a Koitch Sunuwar. There must be something why so called leaders of Sunuwar accept “paratantra” so willingly and so easily, and I really feel sorry for them.
Lets, assume that our law is written in Sunuwari language. I bet these Brahmans and Chettries’ would fall centuries behind us. “Malai ta thahi bhayena chha ma bholi raksi khai raheko rahechhu.” What sort of phrase is this that Nepali language is capable of. Think well what English Language will be capable of as well. I once again say there is nothing wrong with English language itself. Lets make these English language users give SLC in Nepali. Think why China, Japan, Korea etc don’t want to learn this beautiful language, English.
Thanks to many Chandra Prakash Sunuwar who think like this. I am here to join them and I am proud to be a Koitch Sunuwar.
Devil in Paradise….Nepal
Following Christianity is abandoning our culture. Such act is nothing but a mere process of colonization, and we are being colonized just what Hindus did to Kirants. Lets not forget that our ancestors’ were Nature lovers not violent Devis’. We almost have forgotten Shyandar and we tend to celebrate Dashain. Its a matter of question that we would be celebrating Christmas and leaving Dashain! There is nothing wrong in Christianity itself but there is something wrong with Sunuwar who accept being a Christian. There is something wrong that a Christian creating environment that a Sunuwar misguided to be a Christian Sunuwar, and there never is wrong being a Koitch Sunuwar. There must be something why so called leaders of Sunuwar accept “paratantra” so willingly and so easily, and I really feel sorry for them.
Lets, assume that our law is written in Sunuwari language. I bet these Brahmans and Chettries’ would fall centuries behind us. “Malai ta thahi bhayena chha ma bholi raksi khai raheko rahechhu.” What sort of phrase is this that Nepali language is capable of. Think well what English Language will be capable of as well. I once again say there is nothing wrong with English language itself. Lets make these English language users give SLC in Nepali. Think why China, Japan, Korea etc don’t want to learn this beautiful language, English.
Thanks to many Chandra Prakash Sunuwar who think like this. I am here to join them and I am proud to be a Koitch Sunuwar.
@ Prakash Sunuwar:
Thank you so much for your inspirational words and indeed
{Gold is more precious than silver
diamond is more precious than gold
further more
Our Kiranti culture itself is more precious than diamond} .
In another word we are the divine naga who has jewel (manik) on his head and now these evil chriestians tried to steal our manic (culture) from our head to make us blind and we will not let it happen such easily as chriestians ploted our respectable members of sws to make temptation to all sunuwars in chriestianity.
@ Prakash Sunuwar:
Thank you so much for your inspirational words and indeed
{Gold is more precious than silver
diamond is more precious than gold
further more
Our Kiranti culture itself is more precious than diamond} .
In another word we are the divine naga who has jewel (manik) on his head and now these evil chriestians tried to steal our manic (culture) from our head to make us blind and we will not let it happen such easily as chriestians ploted our respectable members of sws to make temptation to all sunuwars in chriestianity.